Whether you ride Road or Triathlon bike, the aim of our Bike Fitting at Pro Cycle Bikes Singapore is to help you experience the joys and beauty of cycling. We want to make sure you never have to stop cycling due to pain or discomfort that can normally be addressed with a proper bike fitting. A good bike fit can also help prevent overuse injuries that result from an improper position. The correct position varies from person to person, depending on factors like age, riding style, flexibility and sometimes pass injuries.
If you are a competitive cyclist, the approach of our bike fitting would be rather different. Our main goal besides comfort would be to position you at the right position on top your pedals to generate the best power transfer and to put you at the right position to be as aerodynamic as possible without sacrificing too much on comfort.
So when you come to us, we will check your riding goals and where you want to be in your riding journey, a leisure cyclist or competitive racer. This will help us better understand how we should fit you.

Pro Cycle Road Bike Fit $600
Top and most comprehensive bike fitting. We start off with a pre-fit physical evaluation to understand your flexibility and range of motion. During the fit, we will use gebioMized motion analysis & saddle pressure mapping to solve bike fitting issues, optimize your position on the bike and improve saddle stability. That will be followed by a cleat fitting to optimised your cleat position, in a lateral, pronation/ supination and rotational position to optimise power and prevent knee injuries on the foot to pedal interface. The Pro Bike Fitting is design for the elite competitive cyclist that is looking for ways to improve their performance and overall riding comfort.
Duration 3-4 hours
Pro Cycle Triathlon (TT) Bike Fit $660
Although pretty similar to the Pro Cycle Road Bike Fit scope, additional charges will apply for TT fit as more emphasis and adjustments are require for aerobar, armpads and saddle fore and aft position.
Duration 3-4 hours

Deluxe Road Bike Fit $360
This is essential dynamic bike fitting for those cyclist who just want to start off being comfortable on their bike. We will do a dynamic motion analysis to make sure all the angles and position is within the correct perimeters. We will also do cleat fitting to optimised your cleat position and to add stability to the pedal and prevent knee injuries. This bike fitting is to ensure a comfortable pain free ride:
Duration 2-3 hours
Deluxe TT Bike Fit $420
Covering the same scope as Deluxe Road Bike Fitting, additional segment will include the emphasis on the additional adjustments require for aerobar position and/or height, armpads and saddle fore and aft position.
Duration 3-4 hours

Essential Bike Fit $260
This is an essential bike fitting for those who want a quick fix on their bike fitting to prevent pain and injuries.
Duration 1-2 hours
New Bike Prefit (Road/Triathlon) $350/$400
The prefit is designed for customers looking for a new bike and want to be sure of their next
bike sizing. Customer is entitledup to 2 different bike models that he/she is interested in. From here we will proceed
with sizing on the RetulMuve
sizing bike to identify the stack and reach of the bike. The new bike geometry taken from the RetulMuve sizing bike will be transferred and calculated to identify which bike/model
size would best suits your body anatomy and flexibility. Details on stem length & pitch, spacers and handlebar reach will be provided for the desired bikes.
Duration 2-2.5 hours
Advanced Cleat Fitting $160
Cleat fitting to optimised your cleat position, in a lateral, pronation/
supination and rotational position to optimise power and prevent knee injuries
on the foot to pedal interface. It is recommended to be done with one of our
professional bike fitting to optimize your position.
Duration 1-2 hours
Saddle Pressure Analysis $250
Using gebioMized analytic tools to analyse if saddle is suitable for you (Max 3 saddles for analysis, which includes 1 saddle of your own)
Duration 1-2 hours
Things to bring during Bike Fit:
(i) Kindly wear a cycling jersey, bibs, and cycling shoes when you arrive. If possible, please bring a towel with you if you tend to perspire more.
(ii) Separate charges will apply for any additional components or fitting parts used during the fit.

Fitting Hours
Mon – Fri: 12 to 3pm, 4 to 7pm
Sunday and Public Holidays: Closed
★★★★★Claus NorupSuper friendly service when I bought my Simplon race bike here for service this week. Absolutely to recommend!
★★★★★Olli ScheilerSent my bike here for servicing and some changes.After my first Tour yesterday I am 100% satisfied! Darren was always friendly and helpful!